
2022 Brazil Telecom Exhibition is back: 5G and ultra-broadband access join hands to lead the development of the industry

Futurecom Brazil Communication Exhibition is the largest communication exhibition in Latin America. This year’s Futurecom is the first time to return offline after the new crown pandemic. The three-day exhibition attracted nearly 200 global brands to participate and gathered more than 30,000 visitors from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, and many other countries. At the exhibition, Fiberhome brought two major themes of the 5G whole network and ultra-broadband access to help Latin American operators in business development and transformation.

At the end of 2021, Brazil officially entered the 5G era, and 5G is bringing huge social and commercial value to Brazil. Fiberhome has demonstrated new products and solutions from various aspects such as network planning, construction, operation and maintenance, optimization, etc., to help Brazil’s 5G infrastructure construction and promote the development of 5G in agriculture, industrial manufacturing, transportation, energy, and other fields. In addition, Fiberhome actively deploys 6G technology-related work, promotes 6G vision, requirements, capabilities, and key technology research, and forms a 6G technology development route with the theme of “Global Coverage • Scenario Intelligence”.

In terms of 5G bearing, Fiberhome’s OTN-based ultra-broadband transmission network solutions and data center interconnection solutions that serve big data needs in the 5G era reflect Fiberhome’s decades of technical reserves in the optical transmission industry. In 2022, FiberHome will take the lead in deploying 800G WDM systems in the Latin American market, leading the development trend of optical transmission technology. At the same time, Fiberhome also demonstrated the world’s leading mini-OXC system, which can help operators reduce operation and maintenance costs. In addition, in the field of core optical components and optical modules, Fiberhome has achieved completely independent research and development from design, and supply to production, with a secure and controllable supply chain, providing fast delivery to cooperate with customers’ business expansion.

With the rapid growth of the number of gigabit users, 10GPON gateways will also become the mainstream of future deployment. The next generation of PON technology has also emerged. 50G-PON will be the next generation technology after 10G-PON. The 50G COMBO PON prototype independently developed by Fiberhome was also unveiled during the exhibition. 50G COMBO PON can not only carry ultra-high-bandwidth, ultra-low-latency business applications, but also reuse ODN networks, compatible with existing 10GPON gateways, smooth upgrades, and save customer investment.
Speaking of ultra-high bandwidth, we have to mention the industry hotspot FTTR. At present, Brazil’s broadband network has entered the era of gigabit optical network. In order to improve user experience, Fiberhome has launched an ultra-wide, intelligent, and minimalist FTTR solution to improve wireless network coverage and simplify home business integration. FTTR all-optical home solution further extends fiber-to-the-home to fiber-to-the-room and combines Wi-Fi6 and Easysh technology to build a new base for home optical networks with full Wi-Fi coverage, super-gigabit network, and green energy-saving. FTTR features such as large bandwidth, low latency, wide coverage, and intelligent roaming, which can meet high-quality applications such as 8K, cloud VR, large-scale games, and home cloud sharing, bringing users a comfortable and secure home network experience.

Fiberhome’s new ultra-broadband access solutions based on 50G-PON and FTTR have attracted the attention of many customers in Brazil, and also pointed out the direction for the further prosperity and development of FTTH in Brazil. At the “Telecom Transformation” forum held at the same time as the exhibition, FiberHome delivered a keynote speech on the topic of “How does FTTH continue to prosper?-Technical innovation and development of smart optical access network”, from various new technologies and new scenarios in the digital economy era Starting from the demands of new applications for broadband networks, it expounds the evolution direction of optical access technology, as well as the technological innovation of Fiberhome Smart Optical Access Network and the practice of promoting the digital transformation and development of the industry.
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In the post-epidemic era, a grand Brazil exhibition sounded the clarion call for the upgrade of Brazil’s network infrastructure, and 5G construction and gigabit home access have kicked off. Fiberhome has been cultivating the Brazilian market for more than ten years, continuously promoting the popularization of FTTH in Brazil, and bringing high-quality optical network experience to tens of millions of Brazilian families. Under the new chapter of 5G, Fiberhome will be committed to continuous technological evolution and upgrade and will continue to work with Brazilian operators to contribute to Brazil’s network upgrade.